Behind the Freaky Circus Show

Behind the Freaky Circus Show

The Freaky Circus has travelled far and reached Lapland. Their caravan has traveled in the cold dark, under the Northern Lights. Finally the Cirucs reaches its destination and sets up their show in Kuerkievari.

Tickets are sold to locals, tourists, by passers and guests of the hotel and hostel.

When the lights go off, the fun begins. But the audience is not the one laughing…

Dark forces are at play in the show. Where did the couple from room 27 go? What about snow shoe enthusiast, or the guy with reindeers? They all came to see the circus and now they can’t be found.

We need courageous volunteers to sneak into the backstage of the freaky family circus when the show is on and unveil their dirty secrets.

This escape room is suitable for adults and over 14 year olds. Younger children are welcome with their parents. 

FAQ here!


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Kannattaa käydä! Ammattitaidolla tehty👍

Escape room properties


Difficulty of puzzles


Exit percentage

On average this percentage of groups solve the room.



The fastest group has solved the room in this amount of time.

39 minutes